How to make airport add-ons compatible with our sceneries

Since Sim Update 12, you need to manually disable aerial images included in airport add-ons in order for our textures to show up.

This is how to do it:

  1. Open the folder of the airport add-on: MSFS-Installation\Community\[Canary Islands airport add-on]
  2. Look for a file called “layout.json” and save a copy of this file to another location so that you can restore it if necessary.
  3. Now open the original “layout.json” file that was left in the airport add-on’s folder with Windows Editor.
  4. Look for the lines which mention a CGL file (they are always at the top of the layout.json file; if not, there is nothing to do). Then delete the following (highlighted) section and save your changes:

This will disable aerial images included in airport add-ons eliminating the conflict with our textures.

You need to do this with MK-Studios Fuerteventura, MK-Studios Tenerife Airports, Sim-Wings La Gomera, Sim-Wings La Palma, Sim-Wings Gran Canaria and Sim-Wings Tenerife Sur. JustFlight’s Lanzarote and Wolkenblau’s Tenerife North do not contain aerial images, so there’s nothing to do here.

If you need help, please send an email to or message our Facebook page.